Kerigan learned so much this week, she has slept with her bible everyday since starting last week..
Here's a little story about Kerigan and a bible story she heard..
Kerigan learned about Jesus and his friend Peter.. She was told the story about Peter being out on the boat when Jesus appeared coming toward him walking on the water. Later after dinner I asked Kerigan about the story, I said "It was so amazing that Jesus walked on water, he is a mircle Kerigan." Kerigan said "no no mommy, Jesus not walk on water he fall down and choking he drown, non non he not do that." I said "he did, that's why he is so amazing." "we can't do those things, only Jesus can." "no way" she persisted.. So Corey chimes in and says "kerigan jesus had on special slipppers so he could walk on the water." (OHH MEN) So yesterday we were packing up the car to go swimming at the pool.. Right before we got in the car Kerigan said wait, she ran upstairs and came back to the car WITH HER SLIPPERS!! She said I take them to pool so I not choke on the water, I walk!! Ohh as cute as this story is, I still am not sure how to explain this to her again. Gotta love kids!!
Here is Kerigan the first day of Bible school